Summer Songs- End of Summer by Tara Fox
Los Angeles' Tara Fox delivers the perfect tunes for any mood. Tara's sound effortlessly mixes folk, country, and indie rock to create a real California sound. Make sure to catch Tara preforming live with Gold Star at Space 15 Twenty in honor of our Pop-Up Space!! We will see you at 1520 N Cahuenga Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90028! Show goes from 6-9! Free pizza and beer!!

End of Summer by Tara Fox
Since we’re approaching fall, I wanted to make a playlist that would carry a listener through the highs and lows of the season past... night drives down Sunset through the canyon to PCH (Daylight Til Dawn), soft shell crab and tilt-a-whirl on a seedy pier (Redondo), that melancholic punch in the gut when you realize summer’s over and—if you live anywhere other than L.A.—it’s getting cold again (Parade). Hope you dig!