Tuesday Art ATTACK- J. Allen St. John “The Son of Tarzan”

James Allen St. John was born in Chicago on October 1, 1872. He spent much of his younger years living in Paris with his mother who was a painter. He moved back to the United States when he was 11 and lived in New York. St. John always painted and wanted to be an artist when he was young. He gained his formal art education at the Art Students League of New York. After he graduated he became a freelance commercial artist and worked for many years. St. John always was looking to improve his style and work. When he was 36 years old he went back to school to study art at the Academie Julian in Paris. After returning from Paris St. John began to create the most significant work of his career. In 1915 St John created his first cover for Edgar Rice Burroughs The Return of Tarzan. Some of the many classic covers he created for Edgar Rice Burroughs were Tarzan the Terrible and Thuvia, Maid of Mars. St. John continued to work until he passed away in 1957. This is a pen and ink from The Son of Tarzan.

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